Academic Toolbox Renewal

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The LME Early Adopter Program allowed instructors, staff and students to gain fist-hand knowledge of teaching and learning inside Quercus and inform the rollout to the rest of the University of Toronto.

Winter Early Adopter Program

Oct-Nov 2017 - Completed Identify the EA course criteria (simple, able to use Canvas “out of the box”, no need for 3rd party integrations)  Meet with all divisions and identify the EAs Nov-Dec 2017 – Completed Schedule 10 EA orientation sessions Train the training and technical leads at each division to support the EAs Invite the EAs and their support to orientations Develop and  distribute EA check lists  Jan-Mar 2018 – in progress Ensure all EAs have access to Quercus Link courses from Portal to Quercus for EA courses EAs deliver their courses on Quercus Receive ongoing feedback and questions from EA via LME email  Mar-Apr 2018 – Not Started EAs conclude their courses Hold an official EA day to receive formal feedback from EAs Reach out to students and EAs for testimonials Summarize EA feedback and share with technical team and supplier to incorporate

The Early Adopter program included 43 winter courses and over 3250 students taught by 32 instructors.