University of Toronto Academic Toolbox Renewal Initiative
We have completed the first round of live presentations for the Learning Management Engine community engagement. You can view the presentation videos on the project website.
You are now invited to participate in HANDS-ON TESTING of the suppliers’ test environments. If you have already registered to attend one of the live presentations, you can immediately begin testing. If you haven’t yet registered, please click HERE to register and get access to the supplier testing environment.-Once you have registered, you will be provided with USERIDs and passwords to log in to one or all of the test environments, based on the role(s) you want to test in their environment. Detailed instructions will be provided once you have registered.
Please note:
- Multiple users may log into the system with the same USERID at the same time and make changes to the page, meaning that your experience might be different depending on the USERID you use and the time of day you log in. Each night, all sites will default back to the standard, so the earlier you log in during the day, the fewer changes will have been made to the standard page.
- Each supplier was asked to include their instructor manual in these demo systems; you might find it useful to locate and use that. You can also use the standard use cases as a guide to test different functions of each LME.
- Test environment links are CONFIDENTIAL and should not be shared.
- These test environments will be available until late Fall.
- There are hands-on testing surveys for each supplier system on a special webpage (link to surveys will be provided once you’ve registered). When you’re satisfied you’ve done sufficient testing, please complete the survey(s) and provide your feedback. Each supplier survey can be taken only once. (Shortly we will also provide a survey asking you to directly compare all three systems.)
- For more information visit the project website.
- You can attend our drop-in hands-on testing sessions on each campus on the following dates. You do not need to register for the drop-in sessions, however please ensure you have already registered for the HANDS-ON TESTING at least 24 hours prior to attending the drop in sessions to have access to the supplier testing environments. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE NOT TRAINING SESSIONS, NOR WILL THERE BE ANY SUPPLIER REPRESENTATIVES IN ATTENDANCE – the sessions are for those who wish to participate communal testing, rather than conducting their testing on their own.
(click on image below for larger view)