- Identify the EA course criteria (simple, able to use Canvas “out of the box”, no need for 3rd party integrations)
- Meet with all divisions and identify the EAs
- Schedule 10 EA orientation sessions
- Train the training and technical leads at each division to support the EAs
- Invite the EAs and their support to orientations
- Develop and distribute EA check lists
- Ensure all EAs have access to Quercus
- Link courses from Portal to Quercus for EA courses
- EAs deliver their courses on Quercus
- Receive ongoing feedback and questions from EA via LME email
- EAs conclude their courses
- Hold an official EA day to receive formal feedback from EAs
- Reach out to students and EAs for testimonials
- Summarize EA feedback and share with technical team and supplier to incorporate
- Receiving information about the process
- Attending Quercus Information Sessions
- Exploring Quercus using their sandbox
- Identify the EAs meetings course criteria (limited 3rd party integrations)
- Schedule EA orientation sessions
- Invite the EAs and their support to orientations
- Develop and distribute EA check lists
- Ensure all EAs have access to Quercus
- Link courses from Portal to Quercus for EA courses
- EAs deliver their courses on Quercus
- Receive ongoing feedback and questions from EA via LME email